Sunday, January 13, 2013

Spring Cleaning in January

The weather has been amazing this weekend, making it perfect for studio cleaning. It was so warm that I was able to bring lots of studio stuff outside and hose it down. Our studio will never be the epitome of clean and neat, but it sure is looking better!

Yesterday I worked on one half of the studio. Mainly the half that I work in. Look at this clean wheel! It's definitely time to get the porcelain out.

Once again, everything that goes together, is together. I am going to try really hard to keep up with this from now on. It seems once we get into glazing is when the studio starts to become disorganized. At least I recognize where I fall short!

I don't think my work bench has looked this clear since the day we moved into this studio.
We also threw a ton of stuff away. Lots of pots that I thought I might refire, or use for something... most are GONE now. Odds and ends that I saved for who knows why... GONE. Today Jeff and I will tackle the other half of the studio, which includes the glazing area and pug mill.

The temperature on the kiln is 424 degrees this morning. That means new pots later today! Happy Sunday, I hope everyone is enjoying a warm January weekend, where ever you may be.

1 comment:

  1. It's healthier to work in a clean studio, for your mind and your body. Yours looks great.
    I try to do something I call "5 minutes in hell" where I dedicate about 5 minutes (the length of one song anyway) to cleaning/de-cluttering every day. It really helps keep the mess at bay without seeming like I'm spending forever cleaning.


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