Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Oval, revisited.

I mentioned in my last post that I was feeling good about the clay again. I figured I better post some photos to back up the words. These ovals are a little smaller than the ones I usually make. The stamped pieces in the foreground will get some slip applied for mishima technique. Once the slip has dried I will scrape it off to reveal the pattern below.

A few of the ovals got the ginkgo pattern. I am doing it a little different this time, placing a few leaves within panels. There is white slip in the panel, but it's hard to see in this light. My glaze plan is sprayed ash, foregoing the usual green and shino. I have been really digging the brown lately. The interiors might be lined with shino. I will make that decision later.

My work this week is a good jumping off point to get more creative in between making pigs. Today it's back to the pigs. I am feeling ready for them!


  1. making the rims, do you leave a thick amount of clay or do you add to it ?

    1. I threw these with a hefty rim. I call these "bakers" so I want them to be sturdy enough to go in the oven.


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