Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Good News for Jeff

We had some great news this week. Jeff has been invited to return to the MungYeong Teabowl Festival  in South Korea next month. We struggled for a few days about whether we could afford for him to go. They do pay for most of the airfare as well as food and lodging while he is there... but you have to come up with airfare in advance. In the end we came to the conclusion that it was probably cheaper for him to go than to stay home. He will get fed for more than a week and the money saved on groceries should cover the balance of the airfare! I am excited for him. These opportunities don't happen that often and to pass on it would be a mistake.

Other news on the pottery home front... we unloaded the gas kiln a couple of days ago and overall it was a good firing.

The porcelain wedding ring dishes came out as I had envisioned, the black underglaze did it's job...

you know how much I like tiny dishes...

and no firing would be complete without a few piggy banks...


  1. I'm so happy for Jeff; it's great to be invited and able to go.

    Always good to see a successful firing!

  2. Congrats to Jeff but I always enjoy seeing your piggies too.

  3. Congratulations to Jeff.

    Your engagement plates look great, you have so many reasons to feel proud.

  4. Hi there Michele!! Congrats to Jeff, I loved reading about his adventures last year and look forward to the 2013 version :)

    The dishes are perfect, I love them!


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