Thursday, April 25, 2013

Oodles of brushes

Brush shop on Insadong Street in Seoul, S. Korea... one of the first images from Jeff"s adventure


  1. Great photo, I hope he did some shopping for a certain girl back home that happens to like to draw and paint.....

  2. I told him to bring me back some nice chopsticks... something tells me he didn't leave one of those shops without brushes for both of us

  3. What a great image! How does one pick?

  4. Those thick ones at the top look intriguing to me, what a wonderful time Jeff must be having.

  5. So coooool! I see the world is filled with brush junkies!

  6. Insadong is a wonderful part of Seoul, the art area! I loved visiting there when I was in Seoul on business in my previous life. Hopefully he'll find nice chopsticks, in Korea they use metal chopsticks that can be tricky to eat with!

  7. Me want, me want, me want lots of those brushes...

    Wonderful shop, would love to be there, but will need brigger suitcase to get home again.


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