Monday, January 30, 2017


The camellia's are finally blooming. Such a treat to have flowers in January, particularly this winter. 
The political climate has really affected Jeff and me, along with many other potters in our community.  I find it ironic that the new president campaigned with "Make America Great Again," but in 10 days he has already managed to create turmoil within our country, and around the world. Each day I wake and wonder what will happen next. Each day I have to tell myself to keep moving forward, stand up for what you believe in, and keep making pots.


  1. Hang in there! Enjoy those cheerful camellias.

  2. We feel with you.
    Now with friends in NZ, saw fruits on a Camellia bush for the first time

  3. Politics.......I'm reminded of Nixon. I was a young married the. This is some crazy mess. Take a break now and again. Enjoy the flowers.

  4. All we can do is keep moving forward past the open windows.
    Now is the time I envy your weather. Flowers outside in January! What a treat!

  5. Right there with you, except it's still dead winter here in Maine. In a few weeks I should be able to force a forsythia branch, to get my bloom boost.


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