Saturday, January 14, 2012

Trip to New Haven Ct

Danielle and Jason moved to New Haven in November for her new job with Pfizer. I had never been to New Haven. They live in the Quinnipiac River Village. It's very quaint and reminds me a lot of Portsmouth, NH except with way more traffic.

This is a shot of the house they live in. They have the second and third floor. The first floor is an art gallery that is rarely open.

We took my "granddog" Bizzy for a walk at the river park this morning. The park is across the street from their home. Bizzy is definitely a busy boxer and needs lots of exercise.

The king of the kingdom is Crisco kitty... my mother would freak if she saw a cat on the kitchen counter. Luckily she doesn't read my blog ;-). Danielle and Jay have two other cats as well. Not surprising since she worked for the animal rescue league for 10+ years.

Talk about a trip back in time... Danielle set up one of the spare bedrooms with her childhood bedroom set, right down to the comforter . I didn't even know she still had it. Jason calls it the princess room and says they need to get a different bed set when his guy friends from NH come to visit.
Last night we stayed in, had a nice dinner and drank too much wine. Today we are heading to the aquarium in Norwalk. Tonight it's pizza from the famous Frank Pepe's!


  1. What a great trip to visit your relatives; Gary and I hope to get up north this summer or coming fall. My parents raised boxers for years and my sister still shows them. My cats get on the counter too, my mom freaks out about it too, but they say if you are exposed to germs you stay healthier, Ha, that's my excuse, have a good one, how long are you staying?

  2. What a nice visit, what is up with art galleries that are rarely open? I know a few like that. I had to smile at your comment that your mom does'nt read your blog, mine doen't either. Funny I have all these friends that read my blog but not my own mom. She did once but I think that she thought it waa one time thing, does not realize I post most every day. Probably good that way, she wouldn't approve of most of it!

  3. good to visit family AND get to see somewhere new

  4. Sounds like fun! We drive through New Haven on our way to NH each time. I've never had Pep's pizza but have heard about. enjoy!


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