Monday, February 23, 2015

Who's in your dish drainer?

I haven't had a dishwasher for nearly five years. Most days I don't miss it at all. Washing dishes by hand gives me extra time to spend with my favorite friends.


  1. We have a nice dishwasher but never use it. The two of us just don't fill it up quick enough to wash without rinsing.Since I have the water running anyway, I might as well just wash them.

  2. dishwashers can be handy...with 4 children it gave me the time for potting,along with the clothes washing machine!
    When they had mostly gone it gave me time for potting still....and if you want that "just out of the kiln" look for a pot, send it through the dishwasher!! It was always a question asked, "can I dishwasher this?"...and good to be able to reply honestly

  3. just getting this on your fb etsy shoplinks...
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function api_log_db() in /home/etsythemeshop/public_html/wp-content/mu-plugins/ciwp_tie.php on line 74

    computers....infuriating but useful!!

  4. Hi Gwyneth, I went to fb and checked it out. It seems to be working now (at least on my end!).
    ... yes computer are great when they work, but can be very frustrating.

  5. Ha, I was just thinking about how many potters pots were in my dishwasher this weekend. Great minds think alike.

  6. I have never had a dishwasher other than my own hands...and I must admit that the only pots in the sink are my own!

  7. I read a book awhile back about life in the remote regions of Japan, and it gave me a new perspective on dishwashing. I love washing my dishes, like you said, time with old friends. I always smile when I look at my dish drain, such a collection of fine pots

  8. I think I see a Philbeck, McCanless, Hewitt, & Henneke among the others in your dish rack. Right now there is a David Crane, Richard Aerni, Davin Butterfield, John Vigeland (from his days at Daniel Johnston's) and Jugtown sitting in mine.


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