Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The ongoing pain of the studio move

Morning coffee on the patio is done for the year.

Colder weather has finally arrived in Seagrove. Jeff and I were able to move our gallery indoors in the nick of time. There is still a lot of work to do, but at least our sales space is out of the elements. Our necks, backs, and hands are so very sore from scraping ceiling paint. The icing on the cake came yesterday when I stumbled off of the driveway and fell on my hands and knees. This is what happens when I walk, wearing clogs, trying to zip my fleece vest, all at the same time! Today I can add knee pain to my list of complaints. Getting older sucks.

Thankfully we have a reprieve from moving our kiln until we fire again in the next week or so. I don't think our bodies could have done it this week, which was the original plan. We are quite stressed out being kiln-less during this holiday season. Typically we would be making work and firing up until the last minute. The timing of things just didn't work out for us. The wonderful thing about this community is that we have had many offers to fire gas kilns at other potteries. We just might have to take them up on it.

The Celebration of Seagrove Potters show was down for us this year... we had lots of small sales, the big stuff didn't sell. Fingers are crossed that we can make up for it in our own gallery. We need some good sales to get through the winter. Luckily, winter isn't as long here as it is in New Hampshire.
I have to keep looking on the bright side!


  1. What is up with the falling!? I have fallen several times this year, and I'm not even that old yet! Boy, I can so sympathize with your pain, packing, moving, we are in a parallel Universe, you and I :)
    Happy Thanksgiving, get some rest!!! Enjoy a day off

  2. I feel your pain, hope your knee doesn't act up like mine did; I notice I don't pick up my feet as much as I used to and those tiles in my studio are lethal, I have to constantly remind myself to slow down and think about what I am doing when I move.good thing about living so close to potter's nearby as the sharing and helping is so nice to have. happy thanksgiving to you both, supposed to warm up a bit later this week, maybe you'll still get to sit outside before winter really sets in.

  3. You just can't count on the sales to carry you through the winter any more.
    We use to stuff enough back for 3 months. I don't think that is possible any more.
    Get those pigs out there!
    They might fight off the bills for you.

  4. We are gonna have warmer weather again, and I bet you do too. You are both very bold and courageous doing all this at such a busy time!

  5. Moving always seem to be even more of a pain than expected. Sorry about the fall; toes crossed that there is no permanent damage.
    We have had temps in the 50's and even 60's this week end. We are still working on getting the outside ready for winter and even next spring! This bout of Lyme has really slowed me down. At least the headaches have stopped and most of the aches, so there is progress.
    I've seen postings about mugs and your pumpkin pie of FaceBook. Good that you had a day to celebrate with family.


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