Thursday, October 27, 2016

It's Fixed!

I was really frustrated when my blog list disappeared a few weeks ago. I went to the forums to figure out the issue and found that it was a widespread glitch. Blogger was supposed to be working on and would have it fixed in a few days. I gave up waiting and started building my list again. My new list didn't look like my old list. No preview, no updates, and the links didn't open in a new window. AARGH!

I left it alone for a week. I was too frustrated.

Yesterday I decided to take a look again. With fresh eyes. I solved my problem! I had used the wrong "gadget". I deleted the links list, added the correct "gadget" and it's working! I am slowly trying to recover the blog list that I built over 8+ years. If you notice your blog isn't there, leave a link in the comments so that I can add you back in.

Jeff and I glazed pots and loaded the kiln at the beginning of the week. Yesterday was firing day.

Today is my birthday... Jeff wrote on my wall.

I am officially old enough to live in one those 55+ communities that I was selling in New Hampshire. Not quite ready for that!

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear your bloglist is ok.I think Tracy has lost hers completely (dirtkicker pottery?) I went to the list of blogsI'm following on blogger and downloaded the page!!


I welcome and appreciate comments. Lately I have had a lot of spam and therefore have had to turn on word verification as well as comment moderation for posts older than 14 days.