Saturday, March 30, 2019

Another month comes to a close

Jeff took a road trip to Raleigh on Thursday to deliver mugs to Capitol Broadcasting Company. Each employee receives a handmade mug, from a North Carolina potter, as birthday gift. They choose a different potter each year. This year they chose us to make the mugs. They picked one of my designs.

This is a good project for me because I am not a production potter. If I were paid piece work by a pottery I would never make more than minimum wage. I changed up my handles a little, in order to make things go faster. I am still pulling them off the mug, but now I am extruding the lugs. 

I am definitely getting a little faster at throwing them as well.

We don't have to deliver 600 at once but I do plan to get the order done as quickly as possible. So now my nights are filled with dreams of mug making, along with piggy bank production...
And the occasional dreams of painting.


  1. Congratulations on your major order. I'm really enjoying seeing your paintings.

  2. Your paintings have changed, improved IMHO...and these poppies are delightful! Good work on mug making!

    1. Thank you Barbara. I have a stack of lousy ones too... practice, practice, practice.


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