Monday, October 7, 2019

Welcome to October!

Where does the time go? I have been such a lousy blogger these days. Not a single post since mid-September.
Since that post I can say I have kept up with my daily walking routine. I have only missed a day here or there, either because of excessive heat or appointments that prevented me from walking in the cooler mornings. We are still enjoying veggies from our garden. It took forever to get green beans but now we seem to be eating them with every meal, along with tomatoes... but we aren't complaining.

Throughout the hot summer, pots have been made and kilns have been fired. Mostly orders and in between some things manage to find their way to our gallery shelves. I am still painting a few evenings a week and finally found time to mat some of my alcohol ink paintings.

I am happy to say that occasionally I have sold a few of these. At least it's supporting my art supply habit!
That's all I have got for you today. It's time for lunch and then it's on to under glazing mugs for the next firing. I am very thankful for more comfortable working temperatures this week.

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