Monday, September 28, 2020

Create without Fear!

 While the kiln was firing I spent some time with my small journal of gel printed pages.

I have been trying to let the backgrounds tell me what to do with them. There was an oval of lighter pink paint on the left side of this one that looked like it should be an elongated face.

I just took it from there. The journal is a great place form me to get in some lettering practice.

I struggled with this green and yellow print. I added some old book pages, stamped a background, then doodled the flowers using a simple sharpie marker. When I look at it now, I know what I would do differently. I would probably apply some gesso with a brayer to give it more of an "aged" look. I try not to be disappointed with end results. Journals are the place to explore and make mistakes. Create art for yourself and without fear!

I will leave you with a random butterfly. It's been great year for them.


  1. Lovely doodling! It has been a great butterfly year. There were many bright yellow ones outside our door at the beach.

  2. Happy journaling! I think this may be a winter project.
    We have had very few butterflies this year. However we have had two pairs of hummingbirds coming to the deck flowers this summer.


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