Thursday, February 4, 2021

Still Making Pots

 Anyone looking through my recent posts might think that I wasn't making pots anymore. Since the pandemic hit I have been making salt pigs and piggy banks. We have so many orders that there hasn't been time for much else. Despite me thinking that each pig is adorable and unique, my readers might get tired of seeing them!

Yesterday we loaded the gas kiln. It should have been done the day before but it was cold and very windy. Jeff needed to spray glaze on two sets of canisters and we do that outside. Perhaps someday we will have space inside for a spray booth. The weather yesterday was great. The wind had died down and while it was chilly, the sun was shining brightly.

The back stack was easy, and loaded quickly. 

Jeff played tetris with the bottom shelf of the front stack. He is really good at solving the puzzle.

The front stack was finished by late afternoon. I headed to the kitchen to get red beans started for dinner, so that we wouldn't be eating at 10:00 pm. I have a tendency to start them too late! Jeff took a break, then went out to brick up the door. We did a preheat until bed time, then started firing this morning. During the holiday season Jeff fired overnight. Without the Christmas deadline looming, we felt it was better to start fresh in the morning. 
As for dinner... I managed to get it done by 9:30!


  1. It sure was windy. I'm so looking forward to the new workshop, so wind and rain will no longer hold up progress on orders. I hear you about 9:30 dinners. We've had plenty of those here, but thankfully not too many of them anymore, since the house got finished.

  2. Good to see kiln progress!
    I have kiln envy and the workshop full of Pirate's Stuff...but we are working on that!!


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