Sunday, May 29, 2011

big weekend in Seagrove

it's a busy weekend here in the 'grove. events around town brought lots of people into our shop. sales were good in the morning and the afternoon was mostly visitors. jeff and i took turns getting out to see the openings and show. he went to Donna Craven's  kiln opening in the late morning and we both were able to get to Cousin's in Clay at Bull Dog Pottery as well as the Osmosis Show at Tom Gray's.
we both came home with some sweet new pots to use...
jeff's Jack Troy cup from Cousin's in Clay at Bull Dog Pottery

my new Ron Philbeck bowl from Osmosis at Tom Gray's

today is my day to work the co-op gallery in town. this is the first time i do a sunday. i am hopeful for a busy day.


  1. You guys in Seagrove have all the pottery fun, I am jealous, say hi for me.

  2. Great to see you and Jeff this past weekend. Hope you enjoy your new bowl. I got a JT cup too and I Love it.


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