Thursday, June 30, 2011

i feel like a worker bee

it's been a busy week with no signs of slowing down. the last few days have been spent getting ready to fire the ground hog kiln at the NC Pottery Center here in Seagrove. i have been glazing the interiors of pots, while jeff has been finishing some vases and getting them bisqued. the good news is jeff replaced a switch and put new elements in the bisque kiln and it fired in just 6 hours.
we are excited to fire the kiln at the center because we have a lot of pots made that were intended to be salted. jeff also has some big pots that don't fit in our gas kiln...

the one on the right is going in the ground hog, it's about 26" tall... the one on the left is about 35" and is too tall. it will have to wait for a firing in a bigger kiln. saturday is firing day so if you are in the area stop by the pottery center and see what's happening.

it's a nice cool morning and i am heading out to unload the bisque kiln before it gets hot out there. happy thursday to all!

PS: jeff is scheduled to teach a throwing and altering workshop at the NC pottery center on July 15th & 16th, for more info click here.

1 comment:

  1. nice pots jeff made, don't work too hard and wear yourself out.


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