Saturday, November 3, 2007

Woodfire Weekend! last i will have the opportunity to wood fire pots! i can't believe that nearly a year has past since i last fired with wood. i have lots of pots in this kiln since i spent a good portion of the summer throwing white stoneware with woodfiring in mind.

john and i will be stoking the kiln from 7pm to 3am...we love the night shift but wouldnt you know that this is the weekend that daylight savings time ends.....the clocks get turned back an hour during our shift!! for most folks it means an extra hour of sleep...for us it means and extra hour of stoking...but it is a labor of love. there is nothing like spending the night outside with the kiln...feeding it wood and watching it come alive......

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michele!

    Great seeing you last week. Your work is looking great!

    Have fun tonight with the wood firing!


    - Amy


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