Saturday, May 1, 2010

and now for something COMPLETELY different...

...i fired a bisque kiln today.  firing a bisque is rather boring and uneventful.  sort of like turning the oven on and waiting for it to reach temperature.  during all this waiting i had a visit from my friend cindy... finished some mugs...

then decided to do something totally different while waiting...

i sculpted a sheep!  i really had a fun time creating him... i have to say i have never made animals out of clay before - in a former life i was an early childhood educator (for nearly 20 years) and i did make play-doh animals...BUT i had to stop because the children would say "make me a  dog" or a cat or whatever... and they wouldn't create their own once they saw mine.  it was really hard to refrain from making things!
don't ya just love the smile on this guy?!


  1. HOLY SH!T MEEEEEEESH!!!!!!!! I like the mugs but LOVE the sheep! Will you be one of my imaginary cousins????

  2. i would be honored to be your imaginary cousin :o)


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