Tuesday, July 10, 2012

one of my favorite people...

Jane Kaufmann sent me an e-mail this week:

Heat getting you down?
Have two stiff drinks.
Then go to You Tube and search for "Gossip Lady with Artist Jane Kaufmann"
and let me know if you learn anything.

I always follow Jane's advice...

What did I learn?

1. A much easier way to make rattles than the method I was using.

2. That Jane went to jail for three weeks.


  1. I notice Gossip Lady in a different outfit than when she started...mmmm. Thanks very much for posting this, I'm going to repost the video on my site tomorrow. I'll give you credit of course.

  2. She is in a different outfit in the beginning because that is the start of each of her segments. The Gossip Lady does a series of interviews for Seacoastonline based in Portsmouth, NH.
    Feel free to repost... Jane and her art make everyone smile!

  3. How wonderful. That's a much easier way than I use too. Loved seeing the process and hearing her say to put the hole in the piece. I've got to go and put holes in the jointed tower I made.

  4. I love the end where she talks about how she doesn't do facebook but has a "wall" at her exhibition!

  5. I've not made rattles yet, but now I may.

  6. she has a great wit- no more cooking! Yahoo!

  7. This was fantastic! Thanks for sharing~ I want to be just like her when I get to wanting an "old peoples" home!! I think you are wise to always take her advice ;)


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