Sunday, June 29, 2014

Getting Noticed

Do you have a facebook page for your business? If so, I am sure that you pay attention to each of your posts "reach"numbers. As we all know, you can extend that reach by paying to boost a post. Jeff and I have done that a number of times and it has been successful. We also noticed that posts with a link to an item on Etsy were not getting a lot of "reach" unless they were boosted.

A couple of weeks ago I stumbled upon an article that said if your facebook post contains a link to something outside of facebook, it will not show up in as many of your fans news feeds. I guess that FB doesn't want you to direct anyone away from them unless you pay them money. But don't despair, there is a way around that!

Back in April I shared a link to a new listing in my Etsy shop to our business FB page. It's reach was 54. Pretty pathetic, since at that time we had about 340 people who "liked" our page.

This month I posted two photos of a mug. I left the post alone, later in the day after a few people had "liked" the post, I made a comment on the post with a link to the mug on Etsy. By the next day this post had reached 1,152 people AND gained us a few more page likes.

We have been experimenting with sharing our posts to our personal pages, but doing it later rather than immediately, or even waiting until the next day.  Since starting our experiment we have gained more than new 50 new likes and each of our posts has had higher reach and engagement.

Etsy links within your posts aren't the only ones that will limit your reach, a link to your blog will too. So again, to increase your reach, post a photo then put the blog link in the comments.

It could be that everyone already knows this, and perhaps I was a little late for the party, but I have been so excited about this discovery that I had to share it with you!

Here is a  mug that came out of the last firing and is now available in my Etsy shop...

This post is part of Sunday Ceramics over at Frogpondsrock, be sure to check out what's happening over there.


  1. Thanks so much for this tip. Who knew!

  2. I had no idea about any of this, thanks a lot.

  3. Thanks Michele! Valuable info. These days I'm never sure who sees what in FB land.

  4. Great info, and I don't think I'm even getting a count on who looks at my FB page. I'll have to find where that setting is now!

  5. I didn't know this either, I guess I'm later to the party than most. Hehe.

    Thanks so much for the tip. I'll start doing things a little differently now.

  6. If you add a link in the comments, rather than in the body of the post it seems to work better for you as well :)

  7. Frog Pond Rocks, you are right, it's not just etsy links it's all links. So if you want to direct people to your website, do it in the comments.

  8. I didn't know this. Thank you!

  9. Thanks for the input! I had not known!



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