Wednesday, May 25, 2016

How Dry I am...

The little town of Seagrove has an alcohol referendum on the ballot, next election. This is the sign in our yard...

Below is the sign next to my bank and in many other yards...
We need alcohol sales to attract a nice restaurant, so we don't keep sending pottery shoppers to Asheboro for a nice lunch with a glass of wine. Once they leave town, they aren't coming back. Without alcohol sales our new local grocery store is losing money. If the locals need beer or wine, we drive past it and shop in Asheboro, where we can get everything in one stop. Our grocery dollars are leaving town every day. We waited a long time for a grocery store. I would hate to see us lose it.
Do I think the referendum will pass? I am really not sure. It seems there are a lot of old timers against it. I will let you know on June 8th.


  1. do they have a newspaper, a letter to the editor saying just this might help, or an ad from all the potters, hope it passes

    1. The town newsletter came out this week and there was an editorial about the referendum in it. Most of the potters can't vote for the referendum because they don't reside within town limits. I think it's less than 300 people that will get to make the decision.

  2. Living in an area dependent on tourist dollars, I can only imagine the disaster if we had a no alcohol law. Although when the Sunday Sales law was being debated you would have thought it was the rabbit hole to hell! It wasn't!

    1. The anti-alcohol propaganda we have been getting in the mail pretty much says it's the rabbit hole to hell!

  3. Sorry, but it usually seems to me that the south is full of bat-sh!t crazy people and ideas: I am sure that people in your town can buy all the cigarettes they want, but not one beer….

    1. There are lots of really great people here in NC, unfortunately (for us pro-alcohol sales people) this small town is very conservative...and this is tobacco country so of course you can buy cigarettes everywhere!!


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