Saturday, September 30, 2017

Innovative Raku Kiln Design

Our good friend Andy Hampton has built a raku kiln using an old electric kiln. I am sure most of us potters have seen that done many times before. The raku kilns that we fire in are also made from recycled electric kilns. The difference is, Andy has taken it to an all new level. His process is broken into two short videos. 

Don't you just love that swinging door! Andy Hampton primarily reduction fires in both gas and wood. You can see more of his work here.

Next month Andy will host the NH Potters Guild Meeting and members will have the opportunity to fire a pot in his new raku kiln. If you are a New Hampshire potter or are located close to New Hampshire, you may want to check out an NHPG membership. The guild's website appears to be down but you can find them on facebook by searching NH Potters Guild.

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed the videos. It is wonderful seeing the creative way that he has put old kiln parts to use in building a new kiln. Love the door and the arch.


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