Sunday, May 5, 2019

I haven't given up!

I have neglected my blog for an entire month...  but I haven't given up on it!

April was a very busy month. Between both of us being sick (me once, Jeff twice), orders to be filled, and prepping for the Celebration of Spring Pottery Tour, there wasn't much time for blogging. We also had friends from New Hampshire fly down for the Celebration weekend. They are both ceramic artists, and this was their first visit to Seagrove. They had a great time and visited more potteries in two days than I have seen in nine years! They were totally amazed at the variety of work and the welcoming attitudes of all the potters. I have to say that this is my favorite weekend of the year. The event embodies what Seagrove, NC is all about.

Ruth and Kathy were good sports and let us take the obligatory, house guest, tire swing photo.

I am still trying to practice painting every spare second that I can. I will spend a few evenings on watercolors, then switch to few days of alcohol inks. I even sold a few alcohol ink painting during the Celebration weekend.

I will leave you with a peek at what I have done in the past month.

Jeff and hung these in the gallery at 11:00 pm the night before the pottery tour!

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