Thursday, August 1, 2019

Hello August

Typically right now, Jeff and I are on the road hauling a trailer to the League of NH Craftsmen's show at Mt. Sunapee Resort, in New Hampshire. Last year we decided we needed a break. I can't tell you how much more enjoyable the last few weeks have been! While there were still firing deadlines to meet, we haven't spent days sanding, pricing, and packing pots. Aside from show prep, we would have to get our personal stuff packed, and our home ready for our wonderful house and gallery sitters.

We spent most Saturdays in July participating in the Seagrove area wide event, "Stepping into the Craft". We had lots of people of all ages sign up for one hour pottery classes. We did three sessions, each Saturday, and most spaces were filled. It was a lot of work, but also very enjoyable.

We will miss seeing our patrons, friends, and family at the fair. As of right now, Jeff and I don't know how long a break we will take. Will we go back next year? Probably not. But who knows about 2021!

If all goes as planned, we will head to New England in October. We will visit with family, deliver pots to a few galleries... and hopefully eat some lobster.

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