Saturday, January 11, 2020

Chocolate Glaze

Last month we had an order for a custom sink. The buyer wanted it a matte black for a rustic look. We didn't have a glaze that matched what she wanted, but she was willing to pay us to mix and test a glaze for her. We were fortunate that our potter friend Tom Gray had a glaze that was exactly what she wanted. He even had a 5 gallon bucket of it, that he was no longer using, and was willing to sell to us. It worked out perfectly!

Doesn't it look like a big bucket of melted milk chocolate?

It takes two of us to glaze most sinks. Jeff turns the sink as I pour the glaze over it, and into a bucket.

This is the finished sink. It's very different from others that Jeff has made, both in shape and glaze.

You may have noticed that I have played around with the format of my blog. I wanted to "lighten" it up a little, and give it a cleaner look. Jeff took a look at it and said the font is too light for him to read. My off the cuff response was, "Well you don't have to read it!" In reality, I don't wan't it to be difficult to read, so let me know what you think... should I darken the font? Let me know in the comments. Thank you in advance for feedback!


  1. I don't have any problem reading the text as you've got it. That's a very cool sink!

  2. I appreciate you asking. When folks use a grey font on a tinted background, I can't read it. It's probably due to my cataracts...and I do wear glasses already. The font in your post is legible, but here in the comment it's much smaller, and a bit harder to discern. So if I misspell, it's on me.

    1. Jeff has the beginnings of cataracts and that could be why he can't read it. I think I will go ahead and go darker. Thank you for the feedback!

  3. I really like the lighter brighter blog :)

    any chance it's a Barnard Slip base??? It looks great!

  4. It would be nice a little darker..just don't make it blue!! ( gives us sydlexics problems 😎 )
    That's an interesting glaze...looks luscious in the glaze bucket!!

  5. Nice sink! I like the glaze, But not sure how I would like it in my bathroom. I wold love to see it in its final spot.
    To be honest, I didn’t notice a real difference in the font.

    1. The glaze color wouldn't be my choice for a sink either... think of how much toothpaste dribbles would show up on it!

    2. I will admit that when I saw the photo I thought for a few seconds that you were hosting a huge hot chocolate party! 🤭


I welcome and appreciate comments. Lately I have had a lot of spam and therefore have had to turn on word verification as well as comment moderation for posts older than 14 days.