Saturday, January 4, 2020

Hello 2020!

2019 really wasn't a bad year despite the rough patch that we had in the Fall. During that rough patch, when we were stranded in Virginia, I missed Halloween. I was disappointed that I wasn't home to carve my Jack-o-Lanterns. I considered carving turkeys into them on Thanksgiving... but with a show to do the weekend before and 14 guests coming for dinner, that idea was scrapped rather quickly. So there my pumpkins sat outside the door, surprising well preserved. As the new year approached I thought it was fitting to carve a couple of NYE Jack-o-Lanterns!

I am looking forward to 2020. While I didn't make any resolutions, I am planning to continue with some lifestyle changes that I began last summer. You may remember my post about a fitness watch and new sneakers. Well I am still walking everyday. My route has increased to about 2.5 miles. Between August and mid-November I dropped 9 pounds without any effort. It got me thinking how much I could lose if I really tried. The best way to get through the holidays without gaining weight is to join Weight Watchers just before Thanksgiving! I am happy to say that I am now down 25 pounds. I am having fun "shopping" in my own closet and resurrecting clothes that I hadn't been able to wear for some time. I still have a long way to go but I have a positive mindset about it and not looking at it as drudgery. It's a path that I am looking forward to walking.

Wishing All a Happy and Healthy 2020.


  1. You're making a good start to the year already!
    May success continue x

  2. Great news about your new wardrobe! Enjoy every step of 2020!


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