Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Garden Walk

My favorite part of the day is spending time in the garden in the early evening. I usually bring a basket or bowl and pick vegetables and herbs that will become part of our dinner.

Jeff has built an arbor for our green beans to climb on. It is magical to walk through. We currently have a nest of newly hatched birds, nestled in vines. I am not sure what type of birds they are. The mother flies into a nearby try as soon as we go to the garden. I hear her chirping, but haven't gotten a glimpse of her. I take a quick peek at her babies and then leave them alone.

I planted these sunflowers late in the season. I think it may have been July when the seeds went into the ground. I am impressed with how quickly they grew and bloomed. The ones I planted in May have already gone by. I am going to remember to stagger the planting next season too.

The nasturtiums are growing beneath the sunflowers. These were planted at the same time. I had some in the front of the house but I think that they got too much late afternoon sun, and subsequently died. I was glad I found some extra seeds to plant in this little flower garden. They seem to enjoy the morning sun.

We have lots of poblanos and jalapenos this year. I have done a lot of experimenting with stuffing the poblanos in a variety of ways. I think my favorite is black beans, rice, salsa, and a little cheese. I roast them at 400 degrees for 25-30 minutes... yum!

The buchu (Korean chive aka garlic chive) is in full bloom. We have so much of this growing in various locations! I try to incorporate it into every stir fry. My new favorite thing to make is "Egg Roll in a Bowl". I add it to that too. Here is a link to the recipe: Egg Roll In A Bowl
It's good with ground pork, but I usually use ground turkey or chicken.

Our tomatoes are slowing down and the plants are looking rather brown. We will miss them when they are gone. The butternut squash is crazy this year. It's even climbing into the trees. I find it comical to see such a heavy vegetable hanging so high off of the ground!

It's hard to believe that here we are in September already. Nearly six months into the pandemic. Six months of no socializing with family or friends. The life of a potter is often isolated but we do miss having friends and neighbors dropping in to say hello, as well as the occasional dinner guests. I have used this time to enjoy our yard more and also learn some new skills, but there are days when it wears me thin.
I miss taking an afternoon off and heading to Marshall's for retail therapy! The grocery store just doesn't cut it for me.
... and I REALLY need new socks right now.

Be Well, and Remember...


  1. Thanks so much for sharing the Korean chive. I'm going to check out the egg roll in a bowl recipe. I wished I'd thought to stagger the sunflowers. Mine were all done a while back.

    1. Since your are vegetarian you could easily leave out meat or substitute tofu.


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