Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday Treats

Potter Gary Rith posted a recipe yesterday for raspberry bars. I didn't have raspberries, but I still had some blueberries from Meredith at Whynot Pottery. They were easy to make and delicious! If you don't already read Gary's blog, be sure to check it out... great pots and often some yummy recipes.
Jeff and I have been working right through this heat despite no A/C in the studio. We have to have lots of pots made for the League of NH Craftsman's Fair at the beginning of August. The booth will have only Jeff's pots... I can't be a juried member anymore since moving to NC :-( . Jeff can maintain his status because he has was juried in a gazillion years ago.
Never the less, I am helping him by weighing clay so he can throw 100 mugs & 100 bowls quickly, loading the kilns and glazing. I have had some time to work on some of my own pots as well.

I have continued to play with slip trailing. I enjoy the process, it reminds me of decorating cakes when my girl was little. The unbisqued wares remind me of fondant... they make me want to take a bite!


  1. ha! i just realized my title says "thursday" when in fact it is friday... i guess i lost a day somewhere. i will blame it on the heat!

  2. Wow, those plates are beautiful. I was just thinking of Jeff's birdbaths today because the newspaper had an article with photos of four creatures drinking out of one, a woodpecker during the day, then a feral cat, three raccoons, and a fox at night.

  3. They do look tasty-the pots.
    I am going to make one of Gary's treats using blueberries- there are still some- come pick more.


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