Thursday, October 13, 2011

and the results are in...

i finally had the opportunity to take some quick pictures of pots from the ground hog kiln...

i had quite a few spoons in this firing 

Jeff's goblets fired beautifully

if you look closely these pigs are branded with the word "bacon" on the sides... they really should say "salt pork"!

slip trailed bowls

see that blob on the left side? baby sh&t looking drips from the kiln ceiling... unfortunately we had a quite a few pots with those ugly blobs. some we will live with, others will go to the shard pile.


  1. That first bowl and spoon are fabulous, too bad about those blobs, don't you just hate that.

  2. That bowl and spoon are lovely.

    Salt pork!!! :-)

  3. It's the pits when you get blobs and kiln stuff from a firing. Gorgeous designs and the bowl and spoon are fabulous!

  4. Hate those snot blobs and they usually wind up on the nicest pots!


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