Monday, April 30, 2012

it's very quiet around here...

Still no pictures from South Korea. I didn't hear from Jeff yesterday. I don't think he has much down time and with the 13 hour time difference it's hard to be online to skype at the same time. The only internet connection he has is in the lobby of the hotel.
It's been very quiet here on the home front. Sales were slow this weekend and so was my work! I only got those two boards of pots done. They are now waiting to get slipped and carved. It's been humid and they are taking their sweet time drying. When Jeff gets back we are participating in a wood/salt firing in Carthage. Most of these will probably go into that kiln. The carved flower design is selling well. The originals were fired in salt and were all sold before Christmas. A few of the gas fired ones leave the gallery each week. 

UPDATE! I just had a really quick chat with Jeff... he is going to try to send me some pictures later. They were taking a break in between slide presentations and everyone went to get a beer. That sounded so strange, since I was sitting here having morning coffee!
Perhaps I will have another post by this evening. Happy Monday, and check back later.


  1. Glad you heard from Jeff, you got so much more done than me. Ha.

  2. ...and such a pretty bottle there with a thick rim :)

  3. Isn't it amazing that we have technology to share these things, like a trip to Korea! It's so great of you to post about Jeff's trip so we can all have a little imaginary trip of our own, right along with him :)

  4. Michele- thanks so much for that link to what a great resource. I subscribed to their newsletter :)

    Looking forward to the photos~ what a great adventure!

  5. your welcome Cathy. Marc Ward is the go to guy for burners. The pressure gauge on the burner isn't for safety, it's a tool to use for recording a number to be able to duplicate what you did in the next firing. The important pressure gauge is on your propane tank, which is set by the propane company. The regulators are the important safety item. Since I learned to fire without a pressure gauge, I listen and watch the flame, adjust the burner by watching the climb on the pyrometer. If your burners are clogged, you will know by the flame not the pressure gauge.

  6. The pots look great, maybe you'll make a lot more during the week.
    Glad you heard from Jeff, it's difficult at such a distance. I hope he can get the pictures to you or posted. I'm excited to see them.


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