Saturday, July 13, 2013

Putting brush to paper

I have been spending a couple of hours in the evenings working on my July art journal. This month's theme is "Rebirth". Since Jeff brought me that nice brush from Seoul, I figured it was about time I got out the watercolors and gave it a go. I like to work on two paintings at a time. That way my impatience of waiting for things to dry doesn't make me turn colors into mud.
The journal this month is small, 8"x 5". I prefer a larger format, but working with what you have is half the challenge. One of these paintings will span two pages and I will still have to trim it down quite a bit. I actually like cutting up paintings when I am done. Creating new angles and paper shapes. Sometimes I am happier with the finished work after hacking it up some!
Occasionally I like to add some pen and ink to watercolor paintings, or even sharpie markers. I haven't decided about these yet. Once my entry is done, I will take some photos of the journal, including entries by the three previous artists.
Last night I dreamed of painting half the night... they were peaceful dreams. The night before I made coasters in my sleep... and I woke up tired! I think I should put brush to paper every evening.

Wishing all an art-filled weekend, filled with peaceful dreams.


  1. oh those are such nice flowing colors, at the last minute I left my canvas, brush and acrylic paints in the bus as Gary was worried we'd be overweight in the motorhome, I wish I had them now, I may stop and get a few, you have inspired me.

  2. Oh that's too bad... I am sure they didn't weigh that much! You should get a new supply. If you can't do clay you can at least paint to satisfy your artistic soul.

  3. Nice color...I like the way you blend them and leave hard edges. I always used to crop my drawings and paintings. Why emphasize what you aren't satisfied with?

  4. it is hard to tell folks that making pots for a living is different than just playing with clay.
    I read, cook and do other things to relax away from the clay. Love your paintings.

  5. I've now got two journals with work so good it's a bit intimidating. It's not like I can place a pot in the pages. This has been a fun project.

  6. Lori, that means I will probably have two journals in September if things keep up the way they are going. Maybe we will eventually catch up if each of us mails the "missing" journal a little earlier each month! I already have a plan for that one in my head, perhaps I can get it done quickly.


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