Monday, September 16, 2013

Which would you prefer; loading a bisque kiln or a glaze kiln?

of course you low fire potters get to have it both ways... bisque and glaze in the same kiln!

Jeff is great at loading the bisque kiln. When I load it, he can always rearrange and squeeze in a few more pots. I would much rather load the gas kiln for a glaze firing... which will be happening this afternoon. One more firing before Festival in the Park in Charlotte, NC.
I better get to work!


  1. Bisque is more satisfying, like a big 3D jigsaw puzzle. Unless you are in a hurry. I agree with Jeff, there is always room for one more !

  2. I love the ease of packing for bisque, but enjoy the opening of a glaze kiln more!

    That's a bold kiln packing there!!

  3. When I was still active in my co-op I was the go to person for bisque loading because I could fit so much in. As Dennis said it's a 3D puzzle!

  4. funny, to me loading a bisque is like doing the dishes or laundry, i don't like or dislike it at all, it just has to be done...but I LOVE glaze firing :)

  5. I really love doing both. They can both be a puzzle to use space wisely and in atmospheric firing to get the best flame patterns. Of course unloading a glaze kiln is always a good time.

  6. hope it's a great weekend in CLT. Have you found that bisque kilns when not fully loaded with pieces stacked inside each other produce better results? I've heard so.... and so tend to not pack my kiln. Just intrigued at your experience.

  7. Amy, I am not sure what "better results" would be in a bisque kiln, other than a more even temperature from top to bottom. My bisque kiln is an old manual electric. Occasionally we put a cone down near the bottom to check. We bisque to approximately ^06. We set an alarm clock to check the kiln every so often when it's getting close to the end. We have forgotten a couple of times and the temp went a little higher than we like. We just held those pots in the glaze a little longer... no difference in the end result.
    The only other difference I can think of is that a looser load would result in a faster firing.

  8. Linda, hasn't the weather been fabulous? I bet the nights have been even chillier where you are.


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