Friday, June 20, 2014

Baby it's hot outside!

It's been a hot week for working, but the show must go on. Two and half days were spent glazing. Typically we would have been done more quickly but we took it slow, stopping for multiple breaks throughout the day. Last night we finished loading the kiln, bricked up the door, and called it done.

Sophie cat woke me up a little after 7:00 am. As soon as I wasn't too blurry eyed to light a torch and turn on the gas, I went out to the kiln and lit the first burner. We might even be done firing before complete darkness. Our little gas kiln takes about 12 hours to fire. Once in awhile we are closer to 13 hours.

Since I was awake and fairly coherent, I decided to photograph some mugs from a couple of firings ago. They should all be in the Etsy shop by the end of the day.

Happy Friday to all... for some reason I still like Friday evenings, even though I work on Saturday!


  1. Sounds like it will be getting hotter as the day goes on. Sometimes work seems like such a chore !

  2. I've been retired from my day job for several years now and Fridays are still special!
    I'm loving summer!
    Happy Solstice!

  3. At least it's not quite so hot in the summer mornings so being up at 7 does have a little advantage.

    The mugs look great, I hope your firing produces even more beautiful pieces.

  4. Happy Summer Solstice from me too! Have a good firing! May everything be as you wish! (Well, at least for pottery!)

  5. I like the addition of the blue splash of color, we had a huge rainstorm last night and even had hail, thankfully it cooled it off.

  6. Oh yeah, my favorite, blue and white! Nothing more classic!! I don't care what anybody says :)


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