Thursday, September 10, 2015

Put on your hard hat

 No studio work yesterday. Our day off was spent doing construction work.
Remember the ugly louvers...

Half of them are gone now.

While Jeff and John did the hammering and nailing, I primed the bottom edges of the siding. To get this project finished and within our budget, we are using T 1-11 siding. Once we have some extra dough, we will cover it with cedar shingles.

The yard looks like a construction site. I guess it has to get messy in order to get better.

Today it's back to the pottery studio. I am working on some animal rattles. I'll share more about that tomorrow.


  1. T 1-11 will look a lot better than the louvers.

  2. good choice, yes it always has to look messy to get better, are you using a heavy nap roller to paint the siding, works good, easier to paint when down then when up too.

    1. I started to paint with a brush because we were out of roller covers. After a few minutes I realized I would be there all day. I ran down to the old-timey Seagrove hardware store and the only roller they had was a big fuzzy one. It worked great. It was a good thing I was painting something smooth, I would have had to make the trip to the big box store!

  3. what's that cute building back there is that on your property ?

    1. That "cute" little building is a shed. It needs a little work. Jeff plans to pour a concreted floor in it when we pour the slab for the kiln. It will be handy for storing the lawnmower and garden tools.

    2. wow, you are so lucky to have that building, folks are always looking for rustic wood like your "cute" shed; we wish we had a shed, going to look into getting some free pallets to help defray the cost of building one; one of these days if we get around to it, ha

  4. Looking good! Animal rattles sound intriguing. Got a construction zone here too.

  5. just make sure any nailing/screwing is done over a drop sheet,not the grass.......good seeing progress!! xx

  6. I saw that shed and was thinking "SNAKES!". Such a nervous person I am....

    1. Gary, I think SNAKES too! I have not actually gone in the shed yet. Once Jeff cleans it out and pours a floor, then I won't be as afraid.


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