Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Short (but needed) Get Away

Danielle and I had a fabulous weekend in Asheville! The Biltmore was amazing. It was difficult to get good night time photos with the camera on my phone. I had a lot to delete when I got home.

Quite the fancy library ladder!

We spent the entire day on the estate. Lunch at the Bistro at Antler Village and Winery was delicious. There were lots of little shops, as well as stables to visit. The wine tasting included with admission was sort of a joke. They gave you samples in tiny plastic cups... like the pill cups in hospitals. The line for the "tasting" was very long and we didn't bother. We had a nice glass of their viognier with our lunch, no need to wait a half an hour for a few sips!

We spent Sunday in downtown Asheville. Of course I had to take a photo of Danielle sitting on the ginkgo leaf bench...

Our choice for brunch was Rhubarb's. We both had the duck confit hash and bloody Mary's too.

The weekend flew by way too fast. We timed our work schedule so that the kiln would be cooling while I was away. Monday afternoon we unloaded it before taking Danielle back to the airport. We packed Etsy orders until quite late on Monday night. The postal carrier picked up our first batch of boxes in the morning. By 3:00 pm we had the rest packed and delivered to the post office. It was a huge relief to get all orders shipped in time for the Priority Mail deadline. Everything is now in the hands of USPS and out of our control. Knock on Wood for smooth deliveries!


  1. So glad you had a good visit with your daughter! I'm thinking I should consider Etsy again...since outdoor markets are really hard.

  2. Looks like a great trip! Rhubarb has been on my list. Hope you can relax a bit now.


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