Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Closing in on the holiday season

We unloaded the gas kiln yesterday which means that we spent a day of sanding and then packing pots to be shipped to new homes. I like to update photos in my Etsy shop, as glazes can vary by firing, some slightly... and on occasion, dramatically. The photos in my listings represent the variations that can occur with each making and glazing cycle. Yesterday was overcast, perfect for our photography set up, so I took some time and snapped a few photos prior to packing up the piggy banks. Here is a sample of the latest pigs...

The classic piggy bank glazed in nuka white is always a favorite

This is one is the larger size piggy bank. Gloss green and nuka white glaze.

I just started making this piggy bank with the blue/black dots. It's slowly gaining in popularity

I am not sure why, but last month it felt like online sales were a little slower than October of 2017. I checked my stats on Etsy, and according to them I was ahead 3%. Not a whopping increase, but at least it wasn't lower! Sales took off over the weekend and have remained steady. I am hoping it's an indicator of a good holiday season.

Today there are two ware boards of pig bodies waiting for me to assemble. Hopefully I can get them to the right stage of stiffness, despite the humidity.
Remember to get out and vote today, if you haven't already!


  1. I hope it is the beginning of a better than averge holiday season for you and the other Seagrove potters. Heck, me too :o).

  2. wishing you good sales and good weather xx

  3. You make the best pigs. And I've started looking at them at shows, only a very few make them. Hope you continue to have that increase on Etsy. Maybe I'll get mine going, since I'm not going to be in the studio but once a week for the next month.


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