I have finally been able to squeeze in time to explore with alcohol inks. My first attempts were very abstract. I experimented with diluting colors as well as using them straight out of the bottle. What did I discover?
That these inks are hard to control and it takes a lot of practice! Youtube videos have been very helpful. There are so many techniques for this medium. I was really happy to learn that the back side photo paper is a good surface for the ink. I somehow accumulated a lot of it over the years. I rarely print photo so I am happy to put it to good use. The paper of choice for alcohol inks is Yupo, but it's very expensive. I don't want to waste what little I have purchased on practice work. The only downside of the photo paper is that all of mine has a light water mark scattered across the page. Some colors hide it, on light colors it does show through if you look carefully.
I am starting to gain a little control over the process. I actually made a small painting that looks like flowers!
Last night I tried my hand at a landscape. I didn't think it was too bad for a first attempt. I used a microperm black marker to enhance the trees. The water on the left side is a little too dark. I might be able to lighten it but I am a little scared to ruin the whole thing by trying. I think I will leave this one alone and declare it done.
Right now I am working with limited color selection. Once I recover from the purchase of these, I will order a few more. If anyone has worked with alcohol inks and has some tips for me, please comment. I would love to hear from you.
I've never tried them...but love your early works. The pink one above the yellow flowers also looks very floral to me...though sliding into non-objective. Good try on landscape...and I guess I'd encourage you to use the ink flows to make some spectacular skyscapes too.