Monday, January 13, 2020

Tea Time

I have never been much of a tea drinker. Occasionally Jeff makes us matcha in the afternoon and while at first I didn't care for it at all (tastes like grass clippings!) I have grown to enjoy the ritual of it.

Carved cup by Sarah Heimann

Since starting my wellness path I have begun to drink a cup of herbal tea in the early evening. It helps with water intake and it's healthier than having a glass of wine! I am enjoying having a variety of flavors to choose from, but I am also enjoying choosing the cup of the day. Some days I am drawn to a traditional mug with a handle, on others a cup or tea bowl.  It's been the perfect transition time between the work day and meal prep.


  1. A nice idea to vary drink and cup

  2. That sounds nice. I can't help but notice the beautiful placemat or table runner underneath.

    1. It's sort of a square table runner. I found it on Etsy many years ago and added it to my favorites. Jeff surprised me that year and ordered it for me for Christmas.

  3. My lips and tongue are thinking about how the edge of that cup would feel...I bet it's perfectly enjoyable.

  4. Tea is a great way to end the evening.


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