Friday, July 10, 2020

Putting Pen and Paint to Paper

Throughout these months of isolation paper, paint, and ink have become my new best friends. I have created a lot of note cards over the last four months. My lettering still needs practice. Layouts are the hardest thing to master! There are a few obvious mistakes in the cards in the photo, but they are fine to send to family and friends. I need to purchase some good card stock, for now I am using some flimsy stuff that I have on hand. It's fine for practice work. At this point I prefer to spend my money on pens, something that I have always had a weakness for... now I have a good excuse to buy them!


  1. What a good idea...and I dare say your friends really appreciate those cards.

  2. Those are lovely❣️❣️ I made note cards during a rubber stamp craze and loved tucking a handmade ๐“๐ก๐š๐ง๐ค๐˜๐จ๐ฎ card in for bigger purchases. I’ve gotten away from those simple touches........

  3. You and Wesley. She is doing the same, paper, paling and ink, making books and filling them up with sketches and watercolors as fast as she can make them! I have a friend that watercolors notecards and sends them to me every now and then, I have a beautiful collection of her small arts, love them!


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