Saturday, August 1, 2020

Have A Beautiful Weekend

For many years we have spent the first week of August at the base of Mt. Sunapee in Newbury, NH, at the League of NH Craftsmen's Fair. While there, we always missed prime vegetable and flower garden time here at home. Last year we took a break, stayed home, and enjoyed our garden. This year, since we are in the midst of a pandemic, we get to participate in the fair AND stay home and enjoy our garden. 

Life has certainly changed since March. 

The fair started this morning and runs for nine days. Take a look at the fine craftsmen that are participating. Click through the site and watch some demos and take a tour through the Art, Craft, and Design exhibition (it's always fantastic!).


  1. A lovely bouquet! I'll check out the link.

  2. If I wasn't out of work right now, i would have never had the time to garden and can all I have. Mixed blessings I guess...
    Beautiful flowers!!


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