Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Wee Little Piggies


My sister asked me to make her a salt pig and she wanted a tiny one. Of course you can't make just one!

I am loving these wee little pigs! Not only do they take up less room on your counter, they are adorable too. I am going to start offering this size as an option to the larger salt pigs. The large ones have been selling like crazy on Etsy. I have been making more salt pigs than piggy banks during the pandemic. I imagine it's because people are spending more time in the kitchen. The other plus for the wee little pigs is that I can tuck them around Jeff's vessel sinks in the kiln. They are a good little kiln filler.
My sister chose the matte black and he looks great on her granite counter top. Something tells me that I might be making a lot of these in the coming months.

Be well and remember the three W's........... Wear a mask, Wash your hands, Wait 6' apart.


  1. These are great! I'm sure you'll sell a whole lot (what's a bunch of pigs called, anyway?)

  2. Excellent! I bet you'll sell many of them.


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