Friday, August 14, 2020

I've Gotten Myself Into A Bind.............

 But in a good way!

At last I gathered or purchased everything I needed to learn coptic stitch bookbinding. I FINALLY found a YouTube video that had easy to follow instructions. Last night I made my first book. 

I took the advice from the tutorial to start small. I am quite happy with my first attempt.

The cover is wrapped in paper that I mono-printed used a gel plate.

The nice thing about coptic stitch binding is that the book opens flat. The stitch is supposed to be loose but I do think I could tighten mine up a little more.

You will notice that the pages on the right are not even. Evidently there is a tool you can buy to trim edges. I am not going to let that bother me. I want it to look handmade.

Next I will move up to binding a larger book with four rows of stitching. I had so much fun making this book from start to finish. There wasn't any part of the process that I didn't enjoy, which is unlike pottery... darn I wish those pots would glaze themselves.

Here is a link to a video about Paulus Berensohn's journal making. It was my inspiration to learn this technique: Soul's Kitchen


  1. What a lovely first hand made book. I often used to look for special books to gift people at art fairs. It's strange, I gave my son one last year, and he and his wife gave me one at the same time. I kept notes in it for a while. They are really beautiful.

  2. That's so cool! It looks great to me.

  3. Lovely! this is something I would love to do. Can you remember where you found the you tube tutorial?

  4. The Channel is Sea Lemon. Here is a link to the tutorial:
    Have fun!


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