Wednesday, December 9, 2009


so much for getting lots of things done today. we had nearly a foot of heavy wet snow in northwood, nh so jeff and i spent the day lounging around the house. this is what we did today:
drank coffee
ate soup
messed with facebook ('specially with gary rith's snow post...he-he-he)
shoveled the steps
made a snowman
ate cheese, crackers, tapenade
called my mom
made popcorn
ate popcorn
drank a little wine
drank a little beer

~view of the backyard from the kitchen slider~

...all in all we managed to keep ourselves quite entertained :-)
and i almost forgot...i completed my jury application for the league of nh craftsmen! tomorrow it goes in the mail.


    Good luck with your league app. Wonder if Jeffy will be one of your jurors ;^) He was one of mine and he was super supportive :)

  2. What fun! Love snow days (and tapenade, yum)! Best of luck with the application!

  3. he is still a juror - not sure if he will be able to be on my jury...if he is, he will be objective...and supportive


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