Tuesday, November 29, 2011


the good thing about doing a show and packing up pots from the gallery and some of our display is that it gives you no excuse not to clean and dust. when your gallery is an old log cabin and attached to a pottery studio there is certainly no end to the cob webs and dust. last week we worked hard at dusting, cleaning, touch up painting and installing some more track lighting. thanksgiving night we were done and ready for the "black friday" shoppers.
next on the list was getting photographs taken and get our etsy shops freshened up... i was slacking in that department lately and i think there were cobwebs in there too!

salt glazed oval vase

salt glaze orb/rattle with tulip sgraffito design


  1. Great photos and great pots too, lovely rattle.

  2. I always enjoy seeing work at the opposite end of mind. The oval vase really works, form glaze etc. all working together. Do you throw and alter? Hand build? Lookin' good.....toes crossed for a great season.

  3. the ovals are thrown and altered... the tall narrow ones i throw with a thin bottom that i trim off, alter and then add a new bottom. shallow baking dishes i throw a bottomless cylinder and then alter.


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