Tuesday, March 31, 2020


...even though it's hard sometimes.

I am still here. I am still healthy. Jeff is too. We have left the house less and less over the last few weeks. We are used to being  mostly home and living quietly, so not much to adjust to in that department. Making the most of grocery trips, and the timing of when to go, has been a little adjustment. The things going on in my head are a whole other thing.

I am a little worried about income, but have faith that we will be okay. We are resourceful.

I worry about my 93 year old Dad, in a nursing home, confined to his room. No visitors aside from my sister visiting through his window. Thankfully he is on ground level! His biggest past time is jigsaw puzzles, and now they are getting hard to find. He still sounds cheery on the phone, but I know he is lonely.

My aunt (my Mother's sister-in-law) is a resident at the same home.

Last week I made my Dad and Aunt a card and mailed them off. Dad LOVES to get mail. I am sure my Aunt is the same. Over the weekend I decided that I would spend some time making cards for everyone I know that is living alone and feeling isolated.

I am creating this round of cards by recycling watercolors that were not up to my expectations (I have a LOT of failures to recycle!). I had a lot of fun making these. They made me smile. I hope they make others smile too.

We are fortunate that Dad is in a great place, as far as nursing homes go. Last week they e-mailed this photo to my sister so that she could share it with us. I hope the puzzle supply doesn't run out before this over!

P.S. We are still making pottery, glazing pots and loading the kiln this week


  1. I'd been thinking I'd like to send a card to an aunt in a nursing home, but didn't have any appropriate ones. I love yours, and may just see what I can create. Thanks for the inspiration! The photo of your Dad is priceless.

  2. You are inspiring to us all (well, me actually.)

  3. Making cards is a wonderful idea, and I am sure they will bring a smile and a lot of comfort to the people that receive them! I am pleased to see that you are still making pottery.
    Hugs and Kind Thoughts,
    Peter & Laura from NZ


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