Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Busy Hands

 Here is a little sampling of things I have been working on.

I watched a few YouTube videos this summer about making glassine envelopes using deli paper.

I spent an afternoon printing the deli paper using my larger gel plate. The printing process is always fun. Not every print is a success the first time around, but you can almost always print layers over it and turn it into something cool. I keep everything I print and often use scraps in other projects.

The envelopes were fun to assemble and add details to them. These were made in random sizes and I will probably use them as little gift bags. I plan to make more that are a standard card size. Not good for mailing, but nice for in person gift giving or to tuck in a box to be shipped.

I have a finished a fourth coptic stitch bound book. I made this one for my daughter who loves all things French. I bought a set of Paris stamps some time ago and thought they would be perfect for this project. I used a combination of parchment and glassine papers for the signatures and they were much easier to bind than watercolor paper. I gel printed the cover papers with this book in mind.

And YES, I still make pots! I am currently overwhelmed with piggy bank and salt pig orders. In between making those I am trying to make a few cheese stones for each firing. They are starting to sell online, which is a good thing since our gallery is still closed for in person shopping.

Have a great week, and if you are in the path of hurricane Sally, or the terrible wild fires on the west coast, I hope that you stay safe.

Always remember the three W's.


  1. Hi, so good to see your beautiful print/book making endeavors. That cheese stone is beautiful. Isn't the spelling wait? Or do you mean something I have no understanding of? Does it refer to social distancing? Just curious.

    1. Ha ha ha! Too funny. I will change it now. Thank you for catching that.

  2. Love those envelopes! And the cheese stone is lovely too. Happy you are having some good online sales.

  3. So much to do, so little time. I love those, I made envelopes years back but used ready made paper, yours are very special. WWW and 6'


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